Pharma Industry Finland – Government programme objectives for 2023


Pharma Industry Finland – Government programme objectives for 2023

The economy and health go hand in hand.

In Finland the Members of Parliament are elected every fourth year. The next Parliamentary elections are held in 2023. 

We aim at improving the health of Finnish people by reducing inequality and developing the effectiveness of healthcare. Healthcare needs to be looked at as an investment, taking the overall expenses into consideration. Here are the PIF's Government programme objectives for 2023. 

The economy and health go hand in hand

1. A sustainable economy requires health and well-being – investing in pharmaceutical care pays off 

People who feel well and are able to work and function are the foundation of a sustainable economy

  • Medicines and vaccines are regarded as an investment in people’s health, ability to work and function, not as a savings target. 
  • Increasing the share of healthcare in GDP by 2 percentage points.
  • Creating incentives for the effective functioning of the welfare service areas and disseminating good regional practices. 

Pharmaceutical care and vaccines bring significant health benefits. The most effective treatments for all people must therefore be equally ensured. 

  • National decision-making on medicine reimbursements safeguards the equal treatment of patients. 
  • Ensuring funding models that encourage effective treatment solutions and thus the appropriate allocation of healthcare resources. 
  • Accelerating the Pharmaceutical reforms and active development of the steering and funding of pharmaceutical care. 
  • Ensuring the most effective treatments for all people. 

The effectiveness of the services and treatments, effective treatment pathways must be ensured in all regions 

  • Health data is used for the benefit of the patient’s care and society. 
  • Utilising digitalisation and knowledge-based management. 
  • Effectiveness indicators will be developed to show the effectiveness of treatments and services. 

2. Competence and innovation are the keys for Finland’s growth  

The health sector is one of Finland’s growth sectors 

  • Development of a new national health sector competitiveness strategy 
  • Vigorous implementation of the new strategy to improve Finland’s global competitiveness 

Research and innovation must be strengthened in growth sectors 

  • Increase the RDI investments to 4% of the GDP in line with the RDI strategy. 
  • Strengthen Finland’s research environment to attract investments and experts in the pharmaceutical industry. 
  • Ensure adequate public funding, opportunities for research in the welfare service areas and enabling legislation. 

The EU’s innovation-friendly approach is a prerequisite for Finland’s competitiveness  

  • Actively influence the EU’s innovation policy to ensure the global competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe. 

3. Everyday safety is emphasized in an unstable world situation 

Functioning healthcare and accessible local services are part of everyday safety  

  • Ensuring the patient’s uninterrupted and timely medical treatment in a changing operating environment. 
  • Promoting patient safety by ensuring good access to medicines in both normal and exceptional circumstances. 
  • Ensuring Finland’s security of supply of critical goods. Developing the legislation on the obligatory storage of medicines. 

The security of supply is an important part of preparedness. It must be ensured by strengthening the domestic and European research and production.  

  • Strengthening the domestic and European research and production of medicines and vaccines.