Smart Health
What is Smart Health?
The development of smart solutions for healthcare needs. Effective treatments, the right medication for the right patient at the right time. Improving people’s well-being and bringing more effective treatments to health care.
Smart Health means combining pharmaceuticals, health technologies, digitalisation and mobile technologies. In addition to using technology, Smart Health typically changes the processes, practices, or ways in which technologies are used in healthcare. The digitalisation and data economy of health technology and pharmaceuticals.
Why should Europe lead the development of Smart Health?
The European Commission has identified Smart Health as one of the important European value chains. This highlights the raising awareness of the importance of the health sector for Europe.
The health sector is an important sector for Europe in many ways. The European population is aging and there is a need for more healthcare services. The effectiveness of the healthcare systems needs constant updating.
Without data and technology and the know-how to harness it, new pharmaceutical therapies cannot be developed and delivered to the right patients. When innovations emerge in Europe, Europeans can benefit from them in many ways.
A functioning Smart Health ecosystem will bring economic prosperity to Europe. European patients will have the opportunity to be the first to benefit from new, effective therapies and the European healthcare systems are the first to focus their resources on the most effective therapies available: to deliver more health.